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Vegan Pastry

There seems to be some confusion about the terms vegan and Vegetarian, let's clear that up first.

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal product—particularly in diet—and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals.[c] A person who follows the diet or philosophy is known as a vegan.

Distinctions may be made between several categories of veganism. Dietary vegans, also known as "strict vegetarians", refrain from consuming meat, eggs, dairy products, and any other animal-derived substances. An ethical vegan is someone who not only excludes animal products from their diet but also tries to avoid using animals, animal products, and animal-tested products when practical. Another term is "environmental veganism", which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the grounds that the industrial farming of animals is environmentally damaging and unsustainable. Another motivation for veganism is concern about animal welfare.

What is a vegan diet?

A vegan diet can be viewed as the strictest form of vegetarianism.

Veganism is currently defined by the Vegan Society as a way of living that attempts to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty as much as possible .

This includes exploitation for food and any other purpose.

So, a vegan diet not only excludes animal flesh, but also dairy, eggs, and other ingredients that come from animals. These include:

  • gelatin

  • honey

  • carmine

  • pepsin

  • shellac

  • albumin

  • whey

  • casein

  • some forms of vitamin D3

Vegetarians and vegans often avoid eating animal products for similar reasons. The largest difference is the degree to which they consider animal products acceptable.

For instance, both vegans and vegetarians may exclude meat from their diets for health or environmental reasons.

Vegans also choose to avoid all animal by-products because they believe this has the largest impact on their health and the environment.

In terms of ethics, vegetarians are opposed to killing animals for food, but generally consider it acceptable to consume animal by-products such as milk and eggs, as long as the animals are kept in adequate conditions.

On the other hand, vegans believe that animals have a right to be free from human use, whether it’s for food, clothing, science, or entertainment.

As a result, they seek to avoid all animal by-products, regardless of the conditions in which animals are bred or housed.

The desire to avoid all forms of animal exploitation is why vegans choose to forgo dairy and eggs — products that many vegetarians have no problem consuming.

As any pâtissier or pâtissière worth his or her salt – or sugar – would tell you, there is a lot more to making pastry than simply chucking together a load of flour, water and fat. The varying methods required to make particular types of pastry range from simple to extravagantly tricky. This makes sense given the versatility of this doughy concoction. After all, it forms the basis of such a diverse range of foods: from croissants to croquembouche, éclairs to empanadas, pumpkin pie to pretzels, there is no doubt that the world would be a poorer place without pastry. Now we’ve made you hungry, we will now answer the question on everyone’s lips: Is Pastry Vegan?

Vegans, or those seeking to follow a vegan diet, do not need to go through life without tucking into the many delights pastry has brought us (though steak and kidney pies will have to go!). Instead, it is simply a case of replacing the few non-vegan ingredients mentioned above with vegan-friendly options. As you will see below, this should not pose a major problem in terms of the cost or availability of the replacements, and it is likely they will be healthier too.

Enjoy this complimentary recipe file, many more available in our recipe database. Annual and monthly plans available. Join Today! We also offer a program in vegan-plant based diets, you can find it here.

Cheers, and have a great week!

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